Thursday, August 20, 2009
is transsexualism the same as homosexuality?
Just like any other individual, a transsexual person may identify as heterosexual,gay,lesbian, or bisexual.For example, a person raised as a man who transitions to living as a woman may identify as heterosexual, in which case she would seek or continue relationships with men, or lesbian, in which case she would seek or continue relationships with other women.Or she may not feel that it is necessary or meaningful to label herself with regard to sexual orientation at all.
Monday, August 10, 2009
It have two treatments. Firstly is MTF Treatments. MTF transsexuals take female hormones estrogen and sometimes progesterone. They may also take medicines to make their body stop making or responding to testosterone. These are called 'anti-androgens. It causes breasts to grow, but it will not reverse many of the effects of testosterone. It does not make beards go away. It does not make voices higher. So transsexual women have to do many other things to make their bodies more female. They have treatment to remove their facial hair. This is usually through electrolysis. Sometimes transsexual women with deep voices may have surgery to raise them. Many transsexual women try to make their voice sound higher and more female without surgery. Sometimes they go to voice coaches or speech therapists to get help with this. Lastly, is FTM Treatments. FTM transsexuals also take hormones. Testosterone works much better for FTM transsexuals than estrogen does for MTF transsexuals. Testosterone will make a transsexual man's voice deeper. It will make a beard grow. Testosterone also cause menstruation to stop. many transsexual men also want genital surgery. Some get a total hysterectomy which is removal of the uterus and ovary. Some may also get surgery on their outside genitals. The two most common surgeries are a phalloplasty and a metoidioplasty. A phalloplasty takes skin and tissue from somewhere else on the transsexual man's body and makes it into a penis.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Gender and Sex are very separate things, though the terms are often considered interchangeable by the less aware. Sex is physical form and function while Gender is a component of identity. There can be considered to be some legitimate overlap in that the brain is structured in many sex-differentiated ways, and the brain is the seat of identity. However, with regard to the dilemma of the transsexual, the difference between sex and gender are at the very core of the issue.
A transsexual person, born to all appearance within a given physical sex, is aware of being of a gender opposite to that physical sex. This conflict, between gender identity and physical sex, is almost always manifest from earliest awareness, and is the cause of enormous suffering. It is common for transsexuals to be aware of their condition at preschool ages.